Thursday, April 23, 2009

Biggest Poop Of Your Life

Last night was Week 2 of our birthing class.  This session focused on how to tell you are going into labor, the stages of labor and ways to make labor more manageable.  Ultimately, it seems  active labor feels like taking a huge poop.  We discussed this topic at length last night.

I found that portion of the class rather amusing after spending the weekend with my girl, Shannon.  Here's a portion of our conversation (paraphrased for convenience):

ME:  I wonder if birthing on one of those bottomless seat things would constantly remind me of my labor every time I went to the bathroom?

SHANNON:  I know someone who actually gave birth on a toilet.  She had appendicitis while pregnant and needed emergency surgery.  You know after surgery the nurse makes you go pee and checks your fluid level.  Well, this woman went to use the bathroom and thought she had really bad indigestion.  After she finished using the bathroom, she called the nurse to come and check her 'fluids'.  The nurse found the baby in the toilet.  The woman had no idea she had given birth, she just thought the pain was from her surgery.

ME:  OMG!  How was the baby?

SHANNON:  Oh, the baby was fine.  However, because it was very premature it has some developmental issues.

Poor Miss Appendicitis is not the only one whose given birth unwittingly on a toilet.  I got a funny phone call from Shannon yesterday.  She stumbled upon the TLC show 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant'.  Of course after our weekend of toilet-labor talk she felt obligated to watch this show on my behalf (very loyal friend, indeed).  Turns out over half the women on this show gave birth in a toilet thinking they had really bad indigestion.

In other news, Dave and I have a busy weekend ahead of us.  We're heading down to Myrtle Beach for THE baby shower!!  But first, I have to go retake my glucose test (failed it).  Later today I meet with the Medical Fetal Specialist for first check up.  This doctor will perform an ultrasound and check my body to see how the twin pregnancy is progressing.  Based on her findings I'll get marching orders on acceptable activity levels (yes/no to dog walks, long/short distance travel with/without an escort, etc.).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The toilet position is the perfect position for BIRTH!! Great posture. Vertical. Use that gravity!

I'm in love with this birth stool. The amish make the best!

Birth IS like pooping. (P.S. if you poop, its a good sign you are pushing correctly).

Fun stuff!