Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dear Universe, Please Buy Me . . .

. . . a portable DVD player with dual screens.  If you don't feel like a part of 'the Universe', but want to help in some small way . . . click on these blog ads every time you visit my site.  I, nay we (my babies will directly benefit), get paid each time you click on the ad even if you do nothing afterwards.

Last week Aunt Quinn & I spent five hours in the car crossing my home state, and another six hours on the way back, in an effort to spend some much needed quality time with my Grandma (visiting my Oma will require crossing an ocean . . . maybe I should ask the Universe for a private jet instead because we miss our Oma dearly).

Yes, I am aware the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly discourages TV watching before the age of two.  Out of curiosity, has this Academy tried taking an extended car ride with 12 month-old twins in the last two weeks?   I'm a firm believer there is always an exception to the rule and my exception is this:

Dear Universe,
If you buy me a portable DVD player (Sam's Club has the Phillips 9" dual screens on sale for $177) I promise to only use it for out of town trips.  I also promise to never show Barney, Barbie Princess crap or anything with a sock monkey in it.
Sincerely yours,
World's Best Mommy 

In other news, our trip to Grandma's was wonderful!  She fed the babies Krispy Kreme donuts every morning securing her status as favorite-person-in-the-house.  The twins also enjoyed creating a new game:  See How Fast Grandma Moves When We Try To Touch . . .

Finally, I was raised to believe a wonderful house guest is one who leaves no trace of their visit.  Unfortunately, with two snotty noses, one drool bucket and table manners my dogs would disown, it's safe to say we left a large blinding sign that read:  'Finn & Belle Wuz Here:  On the carpet, the counters, the dining chairs, the kitchen floor, the bathtub and most of the upholstered furniture'.

Hopefully we're invited back sometime, we promise to work on our table manners before then.

Grandma with Finn, Belle & Scout (Finn's new BFF)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I love it! I always laugh at your postss and this one was no exception. I can picture clearly the chaos.