Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mildly Creepy

Tonight was 'Buddy Night' at preschool.  A special one hour arts and crafts time for Daddy and the twins.  I arrived a little early to pick them up--thus proving the theory I CAN be on time when I've only myself to dress and feed.  I couldn't resist watching them through the classroom window (Hello, Creepy).  As if sitting in a parked car after dark staring into a classroom full of toddlers isn't obsessive enough, I also felt compelled to take a few photos (Hello, Stalker).

Dave holding Finn and The Pink Swan, Mirabelle, taking flight.

Daddy stealing kisses from Finn [insert collective sigh].

After a few bizarre stares from people in the parking lot, 
I finally went legit and walked inside.

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