Wednesday, January 7, 2009

13 Weeks Update

Weight:  +10 lbs.
Fitness:  Joined the gym last week to walk the treadmill for 30 mins. every day
Emotional Outbursts:  approx. 20 (got teary eyed while watching Ellen)

We got to see the babies yesterday!!  We've been calling them Wizard and Nugget for a while.  This ultrasound was part of a series of pre-screening tests to look for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Open Neural Tube defects.  

This was not an anatomy ultrasound (those are scheduled for 16 - 20 weeks).  But we asked the technician if she could do a quick scan of their nether-regions anyway.  She willingly obliged.  It looks like Baby Wizard has an 80% chance of being a boy and Baby Nugget has a 60% chance of being a girl!!  We are so thrilled with this news!  Of course we can't wait to get a better percentage on Baby Nugget!

Here's some pics from the visit:

Here's Baby Wizard.  He was kicking on the monitor.  Look at those lips!

Here's Baby Nugget.  She's got her hand up by her forehead (very Scarlett O'Hara), but it's hard to see that in this picture.

Here's the wiener check on Baby Wizard.

Here's the uncertain view of Baby Nugget's area.  The technician said three white lines between the legs usually mean a girl.  We saw three white lines on the monitor.


Zoo Keeper said...

will it bother them when they're older to know that their privates were on a public blog with arrows pointing to them??

21st century version of naked toddler bathtub pictures??

Unknown said...


I LOVE the names Wizard and NUGGET!! Great choice. :)

Unknown said...

HAPPY END OF FIRST TRIMESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

right? 13 weeks, yes?


Zoo Keeper said...

Wow! three months have already gone by? Seems like the time has flown for me! (but I'm not carrying the twins, right?? : )

Meig said...

Oh Emily's going to have a little Nugget just like her...

You're in for it!!!!

; )
