Thursday, March 4, 2010


Note:  This post contains views that may or may not cause drowsiness.

Look folks, I have two healthy babies and I'm not complaining about how I got them (okay, maybe I am), but if you read my posts between OCT 08 - JUL 09 you know I struggled with how to deliver them.  At times I felt the doctors were pushing a scheduled c-section more than a 'wait and see' approach.

Then tonight on ABC's World News a new study in California shows a triple increase in maternal deaths over the past 30 years.  Possible causes include scheduled c-sections, induced labors, obesity, etc. 

Ultimately I'm just hoping this sends a wake up call to the medical community to STOP pushing 'convenient deliveries' and START providing labor support with surgical delivery assistance only for emergency or medical reasons.

Here's the article for those (Amanda) interested in reading more:  Preventing Maternal Mortality 


Unknown said...

I see you your article and raise you this article.... "Its now more dangerous to give birth in California than it is in Kuwait or Bosnia"...

Zoo Keeper said...

but of course, schedules are soooo much easier for the doctors to make.... god forbid they miss a dinner date or something because someone was sooo inconsiderate not to schedule their delivery for a non-meal hour.... or say, the middle of the night...

MadHatter said...

my last c-section nearly killed me...literally. I have no doubt that my first and last c sections (1, 3 pregnancies) were the result of my lessened vigilance. My 2nd pregnancy and successful VBAC were the result of lots of hard work, persistance (and prayer) on my part. Dadgum doctors!