Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Postal Odyssey

Last week we received a notice from the post office to pick up a package.  I dread these errands mainly because pre-babies the errand took a maximum of five minutes.  With babies, I'm lucky to set the stroller, unload the car, wait in line, reload the car, store the stroller and drive away in under 30 minutes with no tears.

So, yesterday I drove to our local post office to retrieve the package, only it wasn't there (remember how we talked about that 'fine line of sanity').  Apparently I drove to the wrong post office.

The Leland post office is conveniently located 7 miles from my house, and NOT technically my post office (which I learned the hard way).  My package is at the Winnabow post office  located 14 miles away from my house (Winnabow coincidentally being my mailing address):

Today for 'Adventure Time' we tried to find a short cut to the Winnabow post office.  Words can't begin to describe the drive, therefore I took some pictures along the way.

A good 15 minutes of the drive was along a very secluded dirt road that looked paved on MapQuest.  Ironically, I had better cell coverage on this road than I did in my own house.

Along the way, we came upon a loving memorial for 35 year-old Keith Hewitt.  He apparently loved to play billiards, most of the memorial is constructed from a pool table, cue stick and pool balls.  Inside the triangle it simply says 'I'm Resting In His Arms' . . .

Yup, it's a man riding horseback.  I found it odd to see him on the pavement instead of the endless stretch of dirt road we'd just maneuvered (my mistake).

The promised land!  Folks, I'd like to introduce you to the Winnabow, NC post office.   My favorite part of 'my' post office:  they've taken the liberty of designating 'Employee Parking' in the same location as the 'required-by-law-$250-penalty-for-misusing' disabled parking spot.

The post office was closed by the time I reached it.  Fortunately the drive over was so bizarrely entertaining I didn't mind wasting a second day trying to fetch this mystery package (it's addressed to Dave, couldn't be that important).


Zoo Keeper said...

See, that's what I call a "Sunday drive" - even if its' not Sunday. If it's an adventure it's worth it!

But sicne you didn't mention that one of the twins had an atomic meltdown during the whole thing I'm guessing they did just fine. Maybe they like riding in the car?? Like dogs??? That could be useful information for when thy are older and the family is ready for car trip vacations.

Just sayin'... I love going for rides, as a kid and an adult. Consider yourself lucky!

Lily said...

LOVE that you took photos along the way!