Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5 Weeks Update

The babies look so much bigger to me than they did a few weeks ago! We weighed them last night after their bath time. Nana and Pap Pap bought us a baby scale (we also weighed Mirabelle's diaper this evening . . . 5.5 oz of pee!).

Finnlay: 8 lbs. 3 oz.

Finn doesn't care much for sleep. We're willing to overlook this character flaw since he's so cute and entertaining.

Mirabelle: 8 lbs. 11 oz.

'Little' Belle is a champion eater. She's clearly making up for lost time.

We are absolutely thrilled they reached the 8 lb. mark. They're big enough for size 1 diapers (for some reason they're cheaper than newborn diapers) and they now fit into their 0 - 3 month clothes (morning dress-up is more interesting).


Zoo Keeper said...

I LOVE IT!!! They are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Emily, they are gorgeous! Please post more pictures :-) Madelene