Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 5: Transfer

Yes dear readers, after months of following this ridiculous blog the day has finally arrived!  Our little embryos were given back to Dave and I; they are resting nicely inside my belly.  Now all we have to do (this is a team effort) is stay on bed rest till Wednesday afternoon and wait patiently for November 7th's pregnancy results.

It was a good day.  I met with my acupuncturist this morning for a relaxation session.  She put little gold-plated beads inside my ears (they are attached to an adhesive backing).  I gently rub them a few times a day.  They will help calm my uterus and encourage implantation.

After that appointment, Dave and I went window shopping for an hour before heading to the clinic.  I took my Valium one hour before the transfer (a rather amazing little pill).  I was awake for the procedure (and relatively relaxed).  I got to see the embryos on the video monitor shoot into my uterus (welcome home munchkins!).  Then they wheeled me into a semi-private waiting area where I rested for 30 mins.

Dave drove me home where I spent the afternoon sleeping.  He's been taking care of me all afternoon (he even gave me a bell); he's determined to make sure I stay in bed.

Here's a picture of our embryos:

The mass of cells in the center is what will become our babies.  The outer cell structure will become the placenta after implantation.  Both embryos reached the critical blastocyst stage of development.  That's the normal Day 5 or Day 6 stage in a natural pregnancy; it occurs right before implantation and happens in the uterus.  What does this all mean?  We've done everything right so far.  We have 2 great embryos and now all we do is wait for them to implant.  

We asked Dr. Skywalker if he wanted to name them.  He called them 'A' and 'B' (not very creative).  Well folks, it's up to you.  What do you think we should call these little blobs?  Mind you, these will be their temporary names until Dave and I find some inner creativity of our own.


Steph said...

Yippee!!!! I am so excited for you. We're praying for positive results on the 7th. Love ya!

Unknown said...

Akiko and Bobo

Unknown said...

Autumn and Bo

Unknown said...

Arden and Bronwyn

Unknown said...

Get comfortabale little Amanda and Buster!!

Zoo Keeper said...

YEAH!!! go and replicate Arnulf and Beulah!!

Meig said...

How about Max for the top one and Lila for the bottom (that one looks like a girl). Go Max and Lila!!!