Sunday, October 19, 2008

'You're Going To Make My Numbers Look Great!'

This morning we had our third ultrasound in seven days.  Everything is looking real good.  I've got a GAZILLION maturing follicles (as you can see in the latest ultrasound picture).

Dr. Skywalker is really excited about how things are progressing.  He checked my uterine lining (it is nice and thick) and counted the growth of my flock (right on schedule).  

When the lead egg reaches 20 mm (right now it's about 17 mm; the others  are averaging 15 mm) I will take Ovidrel.  This injection will trigger the ovaries to release all eggs and then we'll do egg retrieval.  

Dr. Skywalker says if all continues according to plan we would do egg retrieval on Thursday or Friday; which means embryo transfer the last week of October.  

Right now, things are looking really positive for Clan Donovan and our flock (see how happy they are)!  Even Dr. Skywalker was really positive.  He told us we we were going to make his fertility numbers 'look great' this year!

In other non-fertility news, we had a cold snap last night.  Turns out our heat doesn't work.  Some of you may remember the lightening strike that fried our AC unit this summer (perfectly timed with the heat wave).  Looks like the furnace was fried too (someone is coming out tomorrow to take a look).  In the mean time, Lavender and Bailey have been put to good use as unwitting bed warmers.  


Anonymous said...

What a great thing to hear from your doctor! Best wishes as you approach the finish line and look forward to retrieval/transfer.

Unknown said...

Omigod!! EGG RETRIEVAL THURSDAY OR FRIDAY????? Your follicles are beautiful. I can't WAIT!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! I'm so glad things are going well.